




Rock 'n' Roll

Cave Diving










Raspberry Pi

: My in-laws were asking about the yellow buoys we can see out from the beach where we’re …

: My office for the next few days.

: 34 is my dad’s lucky number, but not Eric’s dad’s.

: Good morning! My partner received her first first Mother’s Day flowers from her mom this morning. 🥹

: Hey there, mate… It’s been a big couple of days.

: “A cat riding a pig”

: Some friends and I were having a laugh trying to generate images. This was supposed to be one of …

: I’ve been checking out Pijul, an interesting approach to version control. I really like it. At …

: Some Christmas Parrots and a Cockatoo.

: Happy New Year!

: I’m sure I could make your hand fit mine, if I deliver these custard trays on time.

: Fluffy.

: After 5 days my fingerprints have returned sufficiently that Touch ID works about 5% of the time…

: The end of a great week of GUE DPV Cave training in Ginnie Springs with Kirill and my teammate Bori. …

: An update, I have one “Ginnie Finger” today. Limestone is grindy. 😬 We made it to 3700 …

: While I don’t have “Ginnie Fingers”… after a week of diving in High Springs I can …

: It’s a bloody long way from Brisbane to High Springs.

: This time of year my local park is full of Corellas and Galahs.

: First thing.

: Old mate is having a day.

: Congratulations Tom and Nicole on passing GUE Fundamentals in Byron Bay. A great couple of weekends …

: On October 14 we are being asked to vote on one simple thing Should the following amendment be made to the Australian Constitution: Chapter IX Recognition of …

: We’re coming down to the wire… If you’ve got a few bob laying about, please consider …

: Some workmates and I are participating in Steptember this year, hoping to raise money for Cerebral …

: This grumpy ol' fella wanted some action… I took these frame grabs from our dive at Julian Rocks …

: A day on the bay.

: No strawberry sundaes, but there were cows… Breakfast and lunch at Montville and a great day walking …

: Congratulations Ian and Christina on passing GUE DPV 1!

: An unexpected guest.

: Ringo’s new friend.

: Destroyer of worlds.

: Twisted metal.

: We also visited Port Arthur… an important historical area from our colonial and convict past… and on …

: We took a trip to Tassie, the view from atop Kunanyi (Mount Wellington) was really something.

: Finished reading: Leviathan Wakes by James S. A. Corey 📚

: We spent Easter on beautiful Heron Island, home to a variety of birds (no herons) and a green sea …

: That’s a wrap. The March Photoblogging Challenge was a blast. I’ve collected …

: #Practice, Day 31. I see the end…

: #Mirror, Day 30. Reflecting on the day.

: #Slice, Day 29. A closer look at temptation.

: #Prompt, Day 28. Ringo’s morning message…

: #Support, Day 27. The local flying fox colony doing what they do.

: #Instrument, Day 26. Still my favourite.

: #Spice, Day 25. This one didn’t really work… I was going for Martian sunrise over cayenne …

: #Court, Day 24. Street art at the local handball court.

: #Chance, Day 23. Last time I was in Sicily, Stromboli erupted the day after we moved from Lipari to …

: #Insect, Day 22. Comin’ in hot.

: #Tiny, Day 21. The tiny details of everyday objects… Gwoya Tjungurrayi was a Warlpiri man and …

: #Houseplant, Day 20.

: Finished reading: The Caledonian Gambit by Dan Moren 📚

: #Analog, Day 19. Warming up my old Gibson Super Goldtone.

: #Portico, Day 18.

: #Early, Day 17.

: #Road, Day 16. We’re on a road to nowhere.

: #Patience, Day 15.

: #Horizon, Day 14. Shorncliffe Pier, the largest timber pier in Brisbane, has been here in one form …

: #Connection, Day 13. These old masks from Papua New Guinea once adorned the walls at my …

: #Shiny, Day 12.

: #Gimcrack, Day 11. I’d never heard of “gimcrack” before, but my family has its own word for “knick …

: #Ritual, Day 10. We all have our rituals.

: #Together, Day 9. Frequent visitors to Point Lookout on North Stradbroke Island. Minjerribah, the …

: #Walk, Day 8. Stay on the path…

: #Whole, Day 7. Ringo’s favourite victim is poor old Jack here. I’m afraid nothing could make him …

: #Engineering, Day 6. Wandering along Sandgate Beach, Warra to the Turrbal people. I love the …

: #Tile, Day 5. I’m used to tiling textures, instead I found some textured tiling.

: #Zip, Day 4. The three most important zips in my repertoire.

: #Solitude, Day 3. I wanted a picture of Ringo wistfully gazing out the window, but he wasn’t being …

: #Weather, Day 2.

: If you were a Twitterrific or Tweetbot subscriber, I encourage you to: Reinstall (or update) both …

: Today I learnt of the Gympie Pyramid, a nutter conspiracy theory in my own backyard! A 2008 …

: Now I’m committed… #Secure, Day 1 of the photo challenge.

: This thing goes like the clappers.

: Brisbane at night, from Mount Coot-Tha.

: What a day.

: If There's No Map, Have You Really Been There? In the last week of our time in Mexico, I took GUE Underwater Cave Survey with Fred Devos (Zero …

: Una desviación para los tacos After Christmas In Austin we braved Southwest Airlines and headed to Mexico—AUS✈️CUN was one of the …

: I’m not sure you appreciate the risks… I’ve been a Chucks guy since the 80s.

: I’ve been looking forward to this for quite some time.

: After Twitter, I thought I’d like one home for both random thoughts and blog posts. A single …

: A BBQ Fuelled Christmas 🎄 For the first two years of the COVID19 pandemic Australia isolated itself from the world, so I had …

: Currently reading: The Caledonian Gambit by Dan Moren 📚

: I’ve hosted my blog, such as it is, many places. It started life on Movable Type (though …

: Vale For a decade and half I used Twitter. Every day. Occassionaly via the website or first party apps, …

: This feels like the right bottle for New Year’s Eve. 🖖

: Given the hypocracy and bizarre public meltdown happening over on Twitter, I’ve decided to …

: We’ve been friends for over 10 years, and now they do Fundies… Congratulations Bre, Cedric, …

: Ready to brave the frigid waters of South East Queensland in their shiny new drysuits. …

: That’s a good looking team.

: Congratulations David on completing GUE Fundamentals, and big thanks to Ian for jumping in as a …

: Congratulations Team Rainbow passing GUE Fundamentals @ Scuba World, Mooloolaba.



: Resilience.

: Striking a pose on the Birchgrove, Sydney, a couple of weeks ago.

: Big congratulations to Sarah Herbert on passing GUE Recreational Diver 1! An amazing achievement and …

: What a day for our first taste of salt water for GUE Recreational Diver 1.

: Setting up DeviceCheck access for your iOS apps If you’re trying to set up DeviceCheck access, I suggest ignoring Apple’s certificate …

: GUE Recreational Diver 1, underway.

: Another fine morning on the Coolooli. Thanks again to Dive Spear and Sport.

: Nice dive on the Dee Why and Meggol with this crew today. Thanks to Dive Spear and Sport.

: Burnt out forest in every direction.

: GUE Queensland & Sydney having a blast on the Ex-HMAS Tobruk with Hervey Bay Dive Centre.

: Congratulations Gavin and James for passing GUE Fundamentals, and Ian for achieving a tech upgrade!

: I spent the last month or so in Mexico and Florida cave diving. One of my team mates, Huw Porter, …

: I spent the weekend diving in Tank Cave. I always love these guys.

: I still have that shirt. Denvar featured at the Museum of Brisbane High Rotation exhibit.

: A couple of snaps of us working at the Battle of Egadi this season.

: See ya, mate.

: Interested in diving? Exploration? Adventure? Aged 21–30? See where diving can take you, and check …

: Prepping for another day of exploration… while I pack up ready to head home for the season.

: Out of the deep. Lingyu He and I decompressing after some exploration.

: Heading to 80m to investigate a Roman ram from 241 BC.

: The conditions are just terrible.

: We had a great dive this morning. Down to 80m to check an ancient ram that’s been sitting on the sea …

: Home for the next couple of weeks.

: Today we say ciao Lipari, and head to Favignana.

: We had our final dive in Capistello Bay this morning, finishing some survey measurements. Now we’re …

: Beautiful weather and calm seas for a few dives surveying the Capistello Bay wreck. We cleaned up …

: On my way back to Lipari and Favignana to dive Capistello Bay and The Battle of Egadi site for GUE …

: Some information on the connection between PFO and IEDCS. A topic close to my heart…

: Error: Multiple commands produce…, Cocoapods & Multi Platform Podfiles TL;DR: Remove use_frameworks! from your Podfile. If you’ve arrived here you probably have a …

: Peter Mayhew helped define my life, growing up. Even as an adult I’ve never once looked at …

: Over the last few years, I’ve been part of a marine archaeology project in Sicily, for GUE and …

: Back to Fundamentals: An Introduction to GUE’s Most Popular Diving Course

: Under Pressure, the new book from Gareth Lock and The Human Diver, is available for preorder. Please …

: The Incident at Indian Springs. A dive we all learn about.

: My friend Cass needs a hand.

: Congratulations Ian Fisher for successfully completing GUE Fundamentals Part 1. On the path!

: The Data61 FP Course is great. Tony Morris et al., have done a great job producing a fundamental …


: 2018bestnine


: A quick update from GUE president Jarrod Jablonski, including a great chat with Richard Lundgren …

: Recently, GUE released a great new blog for all things diving. Check it out! A good place to start …





: Something else to consider while navigating social media and life1. Needless to say, I don’t …

: Some old food for thought in our volatile world1. Needless to say, I don’t truck with a lot …

: Radical Candor. Challenge directly and care personally.

: Help celebrate GUE’s 20th anniversary, with this special edition backplate and wing.

: Why lie about remaining air supply? An interesting anecdote and discussion of the effect of fixed vs …

: Happy 20th Anniversary! Some updates from Global Underwater Explorers.

: Congratulations to new GUE diver, Gordon Tan, who passed GUE Fundamentals at Perth Scuba, Western …







: Another fine looking team.

: A fine looking team.

: The Thai Cave rescue was, without question, an astounding achievement.


: It’s only just dawned on me that I’ve spent the last two weeks in the shadow of three active …

: Skippered Miky for a while yesterday, on our way to Filicudi for some ROV exploration.


















: Anyone know what day it is?

: Half way.

: Here we go.

: In 2016, I joined the Lipari Acheo Project for Global Underwater Explorers and the Soprintendenza …




: I like your style, Aldi.

: Devices backed up. Betas installed. WWDC is always fun. Sometimes terrifying. But always fun.

: I tried writing something profound. I couldn’t. If you have the means, please consider helping …

: Solo was fucking great.

: I recently rediscovered Lego, thanks to my nephews. Hands down the greatest of all “toys”. I wonder …

: C. S. Lewis, foreshadowing: Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its …

: A difference in perspective Recently, Erica Sadun wrote about inconsistencies in Swift’s function-like constructs, such as …

: Michael Shermer on how Classical Liberalism might heal the bonds of our affection.

: Boo! Ze Frank narrates a True Facts nature documentary on Frog Fish.

: How should I frame this? Selecting better video frames for photogrammetry Sometimes my spheres of interest overlap. Meeting Matt Carter at OzTek a couple of years ago, and …

: Today I discovered GNU Parallel, and I don’t know what to do with all this spare time.

: One of the best development tips I can give you is to not leave an omega-3 capsule in your computer …

: I finally got around to moving my site from Tumblr to Wordpress. It seemed like the thing to do. …

: How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb Recently, Brandon Williams posted Algebraic Structure and Protocols, a great article describing and …

: A year already. Thanks again, Steve.

: Gas Manager I’ve finally released my new gas management program for iPhone & iPod touch. Gas Manager helps …

: RIP Hitch. That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.

: gcc on Lion If you’re using rvm or anything else that specifically wants gcc on Lion. Install Xcode as usual, …

: The Thresher Shark Research And Conservation Project, Quest Magazine An article I wrote (with fellow GUE diver Nathalie Udo) about our experience with TSRCP in the …

: Points of Interest added to crashcard Crashcard’s map view now features “Points of Interest” showing where nearby towing services, public …

: Thanks Steve.

: Who with the Wot now? UPDATE: Wot was retired. A little Dropbox syncing, notes app I wrote for myself is now available for …

: Tumbocalypse No sooner had I flicked the switch moving the site than there was a 36 hour outage. The experiment …

: Safeguard with crashcard Finally, crashcard is available in the App Store. Unfortunately, car accidents do happen. CRASHCARD …

: The Thresher Shark Research & Conservation Project In 2011 I’ll be returning to The Thresher Shark Research & Conservation Project for a six month …

: Air Depth Crash Bug UPDATE: Air Depth is no longer available. Check out Gas Manager on the App Store. UPDATE: Air Depth …

: Followup on App Store Pricing and Developer Payments I received a message from Apple today, in response to an earlier post. I’ve reproduced it bellow: …

: On App Store Pricing and Developer Payments UPDATE: A reply from Apple I had a rather long and messy discussion with Garret Murray on twitter …

: Busy Bee Things are busy here at the moment. Firstly, I have a new scuba diving app in progress for iPhone …

: Depth Gauge Now With More Air Depth UPDATE: Air Depth and Depth Gauge are no longer available. Check out Gas Manager on the App Store. …

: Backward Compatibility UPDATE: Air Depth and Depth Gauge are no longer available. Check out Gas Manager on the App Store. A …

: Get Dropbox Just a quick note, I’ve been using a great little app called Dropbox to sync documents etc between …

: Finally UPDATE: Depth Gauge is no longer available. Check out Gas Manager on the App Store. Air Depth and …

: WARNING: MacFUSE, Disk for iPhone UPDATE: I have my MBP back and working. The Logic Board was fried. I suspect this was a remarkable …

: Inconsistency Upsets Me UPDATE: Air Depth and Depth Gauge are no longer available. Check out Gas Manager on the App Store. …

: Depth Gauge and Air Depth 1.0.1 in the Pipe UPDATE: Depth Gauge is no longer available. Check out Gas Manager on the App Store. New versions of …

: Depth Gauge Released UPDATE: Depth Gauge is no longer available. Check out Gas Manager on the App Store. Version 1.0 of …

: Air Depth Released UPDATE: Air Depth is no longer available. Check out Gas Manager on the App Store. Today marks the …

: I’ve finally built a website and removed the postit! note that occupied this space for the past …