
For a decade and half I used Twitter. Every day. Occassionaly via the website or first party apps, but for me it was always defined by third party apps.

Hell, third party apps and the community gave us the very word tweet, let alone the blue bird logo, mentions, retweets, and hashtags!

I started with the first version of Twitterrific on macOS and iOS, I used Birdhouse before drafts were ubiquitous, Tweetie before Twitter bought it, and of course Tweetbot.

I’ve had both Twitterrific and Tweetbot installed on my devices for as long as they’ve existed.

I stopped using Twitter a few months back when a grifter acquired and rapdily destroyed it. This week he cut off every significant third party app, all but scuttling several businesses, without a word or reason.


Iconfactory have now discontinued Twitterrific and Tapbots are hard at work on Ivory1 for Mastodon.

Good luck and thanks. I look foward to seeing and using what you’re up to next.

  1. Tapbots have released Ivory on the App Store, and have a roadmap for the future. It’s easily my favourite Mastodon app. ↩︎

Ryan Booker @ryanbooker